and support
The ENKI project was originally developed through an
Arts council International Artists Fellowship [Pepiniere programme]
ENSAD Paris, with Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
France 2006. Dutch Electronic Arts Festival 2007, BIOS 4, Biotechnological
and environmental art, CAAC, Seville, Spain 2007. International Festival
of Art/Science/New Technologies, Prague 2007. Trondhiem Electronic
Arts Festival, Trondhiem, Norway 2007. European forum for Emerging
Creation, Luxembourg 2007. Spectropia08, Latvia 2008. Most recently
in 2009 'ENKI Experiment 3' was commissioned by Arts Catalyst for the
show Interspecies.
Research has taken place with kind advice support & collaboration
from the following people & institutions:
Gregory K Byatt, Electrotherapy and relaxation practitioner
is lecturer and innovator of blue room relaxation environments and
is an experienced
practitioner of electro-acupuncture, and uses sound as an integral
part of his therapeutic approach to treatment.
Unité de Neurosciences Intégratives et Computationnelles,
(UNIC) an academic research laboratory belonging to the French Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Gif-sur-Yvette.
Atelier de Recherches Interactives (ARI) l’École nationale
supérieure des arts décoratifs, Paris. The residency
was organized by Pepiniere programme []. Thanks also
to the support from the Arts Council England
Dr Jan Benda, Institute for Theoretical Biology, Humboldt university,
Pete Liptrot Bolton Art Museum & Aquarium and The North of England
Zoological Society & Mike Crumpler at Chester
Zoo aquarium.
introductory video