I offer a range of workshops which I consider
to be an extension of my art practice, demonstrating the
processes and research methods behind my art work. Using
art as a medium of exploring science and demonstrating
scientific concepts workshops are designed
to be accessible, encourage creativity through practical
experiments, and adapt the observational skills & methods
used in art as a route to increasing engagement in science
and visa versa.
Workshops have been developed with Arts
Catalyst, numerous Creative Partnerships, CARA action research
projects, CAPE UK, and NESTA. one project was runner up
in the 2007 Rolls Royce Science award. Education resources
and workshops have been developed for FACT and Tate Liverpool
with Welcome Trust, Other clients include Manchester Art
Gallery, Oldham Art Gallery and the Big Draw (Receiving
the 2010 Trail Blazer award from the Campaign for Drawing
for a project with Tate Liverpool)
[Click here for full CV and Biog]
Motors, energy and magnetism
Using a reusable kit of components students design and make
a small ultra simple 'robot', modify it for making drawings
Other activities explore different forms of energy and fields,
the invisible
sensors to detect the sound of electricity
and solar cells to listen to the sound of different kinds of
light, make induction loops and transmit sounds on magnetic
fields. This workshop has been run as a drop
in family activity for all ages, as well as part of a more
in-depth workshop exploring the phenomenon of electricity and
magnetism in which students create a simple motor from raw
and other electrical drawing creatures Tate
Liverpool/Manchester Art Gallery.
Shaw Cells
‘Hele-Shaw’ cells make beautiful patterns when
liquids of different viscosity are injected into them. The
cell is made from two flat transparent plastic plates, separated
by a small space. One plate has a hole in the middle through
which liquid can be injected.
Shaw Cell Experiments Creative Partnerships, Welcome
Trust Big draw event 2009, see also Slime Lab
Lab: Pod casting, Sound physics, Sound recording,
Sound visualization, Cymatics
Through listening and using contact microphones to amplify
sound, the sonic properties of materials are explored through
experimentation. Instruments are made which harness these
properties. Groups are given a basic theme percussion strings,
wind etc) and core materials around which to design and
make the instrument. Using various devices to visualize
sound waves, sound is looked at in terms of form and shape
and pattern. Domestic and Food substances are used to highlight
the strange and bizarre behaviors of particles and fluid
when energised by sound. Introduction to recoding sound
manipulating and arranging sounds, Instrument making using
found materials.
experiments, Arts Catalyst / Creative Partnerships/CARA action
research 2008
musical instruments and sensor technologies
I have done a number of workshops in electronic and acoustic musical instrument
making, as a way of exploring sound and design. In a recent project with Creative
Partnerships intended to demystify technology, year 9 students invented wearable
technologies for interacting with computers including;Techno Tap, a sensor
shoe, with an optical sensor, a speaking, USB 'Sensor Glove'
for controlling music, and a head band that detects your emotional state
selecting music accordingly. The completed objects will be shown as part
of Manchester
International festival
Hacking project. Images from Creative Partnerships.
Forms, Creative Partnerships / Arts Catalyst 2006
Slime Lab.
Making slime, Bouncy Balls, Lava Lamps
This set of fun tactile activities investigate polymers,
creating and exploring the properties of unusual substances.
The workshop involves mixing simple chemical reactions
using domestic substances like milk corn flour and vinegar.
Packed with hands on experimentation, participants make
a collection of different gooey polymers as well as molding
a shape from a milk based bio-plastic that will harden
into a tough plastic.
workshop, putty,slime and lava lamps, all kinds of mess. Images
from Creative Partnerships
tool kit recently developed with FACT...
Sonic Streams is a creative exploration
of the impact of sound on the human body. Sound
can powerfully affect the human body and the way we feel.
Can sound aid the healing process and promote well being?
Noisy and busy urban environments - schools, colleges,
and hospitals, for instance, can also raise stress levels.
Can we change the real life impact of environments through
altering sound content? With the support of the Tool
Kit, students will develop creative ways to scientifically
research the effects of sound and to share their findings.
Download the
whole tool kit we developed as a PDF here..
Art tool kits and resource packs from top left, AV
toolkit, Sound toolkit, 3D photography toolkit, and
finally Sonic Laser Transmitter toolkit.
Perception Lab
Is seeing believing? Our eyes can easily be tricked. Explore the phenomenon of
visual perception through simple experiments using art and science. The rubber
hand experiment is a classic; in this version students make a selection of different
hands including a squishy dough hand and wooden hand, participants start to believe
its actually attached to their bodies! This workshop content was developed through
collaborations with the British science
association, and Tate Liverpool’s Alice in wonderland exhibition. Over
1000 people participated during the Manchester science Festival.
Hand, Illusion, Manchester Science Festival, MOSI 2011.

3D "anaglyph" image
from workshop
photography workshop
The history Stereo photography is closely linked
with the development of moving image technologies.
workshop covers basics of visual perception
and colours. Taking various optical illusions as a reference, the
phenomenon of stereo vision is discussed in depth.
Participants learn how to "free
view" stereo images , make a stereo viewer, as well as construct
digital red green "anaglyph" images using photoshop.
We also make our own classic 3D viewing glasses to see these.
drawing, from workshop at Tate Liverpool 2011