Sunday 12th June 2022
Highfield Country Park
Drop-in events between 10 – 10.30 pm.
We need your help! A BioBlitz is an intensive collaborative race against the clock to document as many different living things in a defined area within 24 hours [from huge trees to microorganisms]. Join artists and scientists and other local nature enthusiasts at the Bee Sanctuary, Highfield Country Park. Learn about nature recording identifying plants and animals, and help contribute to scientific research. Bring your phone to take photos, download the iNaturalist app and make an account. Everything you record on the 12th of June in Highfield park will count towards our Bioblitz event database. Or just come along and explore Highfield and enjoy nature.
10 am to 4 pm: Field Station will be set up at the Bee Sanctuary. Come and learn insect hunting techniques, share explore and identify your findings, and use microscopes and macro lenses to get close-up photos. There will be ongoing activities, such as drawing and scientific illustration and a series of nature walk throughout the day. Events planned so far include …..
11.30 am: Opening the Moth Trap! with Moth expert Emma Coulthard
12 pm: Bee Walk with Karen McCartney.
1 – 2 pm: Moss walk and terrarium building workshop with Antony.
4-5 pm: Station South, meeting up for reflection/discussion.
9.30 pm – 10.30pm: Bat walk with ecologist Simon Holden.
The event is meant to be for all, from families to nature enthusiasts and experts.
Download iNaturalist here: https://www.inaturalist.org/ and then join the project here: https://uk.inaturalist.org/projects/highfield-park-bioblitz
More information about Field Station http://antonyhall.net/blog/field-station/
About the Bee Sanctuary: https://beesanctuarymovement.org/
If you have questions or want to help please contact me: info[At]antonyhall.net
Follow/DM me on Instagram @tonazoid or Twitter: @TabletopE
Event Documentation:
Follow @TabletopE on twitter or @tonazoid for updates
Contact info@antonyhall.net for more information