Notes from a day testing the Autoscope with Andrew Brooks.
Here is our nod to the painting “Wanderer above the sea of fog” by Caspar David Friedrich 1818. The painting Juxtaposes ‘Man’ and his mastery of nature while simultaneously being a small and insignificant element of the overall landscape. The other mechanism at work is this inverted gaze; We see the back of the painted characters head, something that was quite unusual at the time. In doing this one idea is that we imagine ourselves as part of the image, putting our selves in the place of the depicted figure. It seems apt to recreate this, as one effect of the autoscope is this sensation that you have become part of the landscape and the feeling of smallness within it.
More Notes Here:
Andrew took a series of images and combined them to create these single composite images from a number of shots on his SLR to make one very large detailed image. See his work here: