Ecopedagogies Symposium 03 JULY 2024 – 11am-6pm
How can the integration of ecological interdisciplinary teaching methods in the arts and humanities stimulate creative and critical thinking about environmental relationships, rights, and responsibilities in the arts and humanities?
Venue 1: The Firs Botanical Research Centre, UoM
Panel 1: Ecopedagogies and the senses
Chair: Clara Dawson
Henry McPherson (UoM): ‘Ecological Improvisation’
Ghada Solimon (UoM): ‘Enhancing learning objectives through creative methods and hands-on activities: a case study of screen-printing using natural dyes workshops’
Ryan Woods and Raichael Lock (UoM): ‘Trees, ears and the space between: exploring pedagogies of reciprocity with primary school children in Manchester’
Moss walk to Manchester Museum, collecting mosses (led by Antony Hall, MMU/Spark Artists’ Network)
Venue 2: Manchester Museum
Panel 2: Ecopedagogies in the university
Chair: Jenna Ashton
Rebecca Hurst (UoM): ‘Mast Year’
Eithne Quinn and Ava Goldson (UoM): ‘Pedagogies of environmental distress and action’
Cara Berger (UoM): ‘Diffraction as a concept for Arts and Humanities eco-pedagogy’
Aurora Fredriksen (UoM): ‘Do we have an obligation to teach ecological hope in the midst of ecological catastrophe?’
Mosses and microscopes: micro-workshop with artist Antony Hall (MMU @schoolofdigitalarts ) and microbiologist Damian Rivett (MMU)
Panel 3: Ecopedagogies outside the classroom
Chair: Anastasia Valassopoulos
Jenna Ashton (UoM): ‘Orchards and orcharding for ecopedagogy’
Helen McGhie @mmu.photography : ‘Creative encounters with the dark forest’
@sophykingart (@sparkartistsnetwork ): ‘The Museum of the Vibrant Collector’
5.45 – 6.00: Round up: Anke Bernau (UoM)