A manual for self-experimentation and a template for performance / A workshop on perceptual illusion and art.
‘Seven practical experiments’ is a new piece of work for by Antony Hall, developed through an exploration of perceptual illusion, and the methods used in experimental psychology. By taking part in this workshop, you will both ‘experience’ the work and ‘perform’ the experiments; in doing so you will become the work. The experiments will be preceded by a session of Feldenkrais led by Teresa Brayshaw. Feldenkrais is a method of enhancing self-awareness through movement and the heightening of bodily perception. Following this activity, you will then be guided through the ‘seven practical experiments’ and given space to reflect and discuss what you have experienced.
No prior experience or knowledge on the subject is needed, just a willingness to take part. The activities will resonate with anyone with an interest in mindful practice, art or psychology, specifically perceptual illusion. The price of £20 includes a guided Feldenkrais session, specially developed for the work, an ‘EXPERIENCE IN PROGRESS’ badge, and a set of ‘Ganzfeld’ goggles (both created by the artist for this event), as well as refreshments in the form of tea, coffee, and biscuits.
Please note, if the date is not convenient for you, please contact me as more events will be scheduled.
Approximate timings :
1.30pm Feldenkrais 1 hr
2.30pm 7 Practical Experiments – 2 hrs +[Please note: this being the first iteration of this event it may take longer to get through all of the experiments; you will not be expected to stay longer than the expected finish time if you do not wish to do so]
About the workshop leaders:
Antony Hall is an artist and postgraduate researcher at Manchester Metropolitan University, where his research concerns multi-sensory perceptual illusion, and the exploration of methods used in experimental psychology within the framework of artistic practice. You can find out more about his work by visiting his website: http://antonyhall.net.
Teresa Brayshaw is a qualified Feldenkrais practitioner who works with individuals and groups to support their learning and development. She works at Leeds Beckett University as both a life coach and a Principal Lecturer in Performing Arts, teaching theatre and performance.
Location: Rogue Artists’ Studios, Manchester
Rogue is the largest independent studio group in the North West, with more than 85 artists working in 57,000 square feet of space at the former Varna Street school buildings in Openshaw. https://rastudios.co.uk
Further reading
‘Seven practical experiments’ are an exploration of reperformance. Based on classic science experiments; the experiments expand on and reinvent the originals in order to relive and reimagine the experience. The intention is that these works should be considered as practical activities, reflexive experiences that are activated through their performance. ‘Seven practical experiments’ are proposed as a toolkit for phenomenological investigation, and ‘the study of perceptual consciousness’ (Noë, 2000). This work opens a space in which reflexive experience can unfold, heightening self-awareness. Viewed through the lens of ‘somaesthetics’ (Shusterman, 2013) a phenomenological approach, defined as the ‘critical, meliorative study of experience’ (Shusterman, 2008) these experiments are reframed as ‘bodily practice’ – a form of training that enhances experience.
‘Seven practical experiments’
1. Of internal light generated in the eye [By deformation of the eyeball]
2. Concerning the inwardly generated image
3. On seeing as one eye
4. Feeling into the object
5. You are the object of your own observation
6. The permanent possibility of experience
7. Action intention paradox
Noë, A. (2000) ‘Experience and experiment in art’, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 7.
Shusterman, R. 2008. Body Consciousness: A Philosophy Of Mindfulness And Somaesthetics. Cambridge University Press , .
Shusterman, R. (2013) ‘Body and the Arts: The Need for Somaesthetics:’ http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0392192112469159.